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Push Endpoint Content section

Push Endpoint Content section

The Push Message Content section contains the content to be send to every endpoint used in the delivery.

The content should be a string json formatted and should compatible with the destination platform.

In order to allow maximum flexibility, any control is performed about validity of the content if not that is valid json string.

If the Push Endpoint section children are used, they are:

  • Positioned within the <message> section of the XML instructions file
  • Positioned after the section of the XML instructions file

The Push section includes the following children:

Child Type Description Use
apn element Content to send to apple devices that uses Apple servers Mandatory if some recipients have APN endpoint
gcm element Content to send to google and apple devices that uses the Google Cloud Message servers. Mandatory if some recipients have GCM endpoint

It is best practice to wrap the json string with a CDATA section in order to avoid XML syntax problem

See Push delivery working example for more about creating an XML instructions file for a Push delivery.

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Working examples

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